Ayako Yamada (ENS) |
In-situ formation and microvascularization of human brain organoids on an engineered substrate integrated in a microfluidic chip for dynamic studies of brain development |
Philippe Nghe and Reza Kowsari - Esfahan (ESPCI) |
High-throughput combinatorial drug testing on in vitro 3D cell model microfluidic platform |
Abdou Rachid Thiam and Vincent Faugeras (ENS) |
Disassemble the cell |
Michael Atlan (ESPCI) |
Ultrafast real-time holographic imaging for ophthalmology |
Philippe Benaroch (Institut Curie) |
Stimulating anti-tumor immunity via genetic engineering of myeloid cells |
Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil (Institut Curie) |
Targeting the lysosomal calcium channel TRPML1 to enhance antitumor immunity |
Ludger Johannes (Institut Curie) |
Lectibodies to eliminate tumors |
Antonin Morillon (Institut Curie) |
Revealing and validating novel urine and blood biomarkers for prostate cancer using artificial intelligence |
Projets financés en 2019
Nicolas Manel (Institut Curie) |
Screening for small molecules that alter Nuclear Envelope Rupture (NER), a new target in cancer and aging |
David Holcman (ENS) |
Outil prédictif pour empêcher l'apparition de périodes profondes marquées par des suppressions isoélectrique pendant l'anesthésie générale |
Zoher Gueroui (ENS) |
Magnetic bacteria programmed as whole-cell biosensor for sensitive detection of pathogenic bacteria |
Projets financés en 2018
Laurent Bourdieu (ENS) |
High throughput optical recording of brain networks in vivo by 3D Random Access MultiPhoton microscopy |
Arnaud Gautier (ENS) |
A unique reversible fluorescence complementation assay for high-throughput screening |
Térence Strick (ENS) |
A double-strand DNA molecular scaffold to characterize the dynamics of molecular interactions |
En savoir plus sur les lauréats de l'édition 2018