In silico
Les équipes faisant partie de PSL-Qlife travaillent autour de trois principales thématiques étudiant pour la plupart des modèles in vivo ou in vitro, mais certaines équipes étudient également des sytèmes in silico, ou développent de la modélisation.
- Daniel Abergel (ENS) - Structure and dynamics of biomolecules
- Carlo Adamo (Chimie ParisTech) - Theoretical chemistry and modeling
- Samuel Alizon (Collège de France) - Ecology & evolution of health
- Nadine Andrieu (Institut Curie) - Genetic epidemiology of cancer
- Marc Baaden (IBPC) - Theoretical biochemistry laboratory
- Damien Baigl (ENS) - NanoBiosciences and MicroSystems (NBMS)
- Annabelle Ballesta (Institut Curie) - Cancer systems pharmacology
- Boris Barbour (ENS) - Neuronal algorithms
- Emmanuel Barillot (Institut Curie) - Bioinformatics and Biology of Cancer Systems
- Fethi Bedioui (Chimie ParisTech) - Synthesis, electrochemistry, imaging and analytical systems for diagnosis
- Jérôme Bibette (ESPCI) - Colloids and divided materials laboratory
- François Blanquart (Collège de France) - Evolutionary epidemiology of infectious diseases
- Yves Boubenec, Alain de Cheveigné, Christian Lorenzi, Daniel Pressnitzer, Sihab Shamma, Léo Varnet (ENS) - Audition
- Rémi Carminati (ESPCI) - Waves in complex environments
- Florence Cavalli (Institut Curie) - Computational biology and ingtegrative genomics of cancer
- Yong Chen (ENS) - NanoBiosciences and MicroSystems (NBMS)
- Janine Cossy (ESPCI) - Laboratory of organic chemistry
- Olivier Dauchot (ESPCI) - Gulliver lab
- Yannick De Wilde (ESPCI) - Infrared near-field optics, micro and nano thermics
- David Di Gregorio (Institut Pasteur) - Synapes and circuits dynamics
- Benoit Dubertret (ESPCI) - Paris quantum dots
- Régis Ferrière (ENS) - Eco-Evolutionary Mathematics
- Gilles Gasser (Chimie ParisTech) - Inorganic chemical biological laboratory
- Arnaud Gautier, Fabienne Burlina (ENS) - Biomolecules: analysis, molecular and cellular interaction
- Auguste Genovesio (ENS) - Computational Bioimaging and Bioinformatics
- Sylvain Gigan (ENS) - Complex media optics
- Thomas Gregor (Institut Pasteur) - Physics of biological functions
- Laurence Grimaud, Nicolas Delsuc, Clotilde Policar (ENS) - Peptides, glycoconjugates and metals in biology
- Boris Gutkin (ENS) - Mathematics of neural circuits
- Vincent Hakim, Rava Azeredo da Silveira, Martine Benamar, Francis Corson, Lionel Foret, Jean-Pierre Nadal (ENS) - Theoretical neuroscience and biophysics
- David Holcman (ENS) - Group of data modeling, computational neurobiology and predictive medicine
- Hervé Isambert (Institut Curie) - RNA dynamics and biomolecular systems
- Ludovic Jullien, Zoher Gueroui (ENS) - Physical and Biological Chemistry of Living Matter
- Wolfgang Keil (Institut Curie) - Quantitative developmental biology
- Romain Koszul (Institut Pasteur) - Spatial regulation of genomes
- Damien Laage (ENS) - Theoretical chemistry
- David Lacoste (ESPCI) - Gulliver lab
- Aurélien Latouche (Institut Curie) - Statistical methods for precision medicine (STAMPM)
- Min-Hui Li (Chimie ParisTech) - Matériaux, Interface et Matière Molle
- Claudia Lunghi, Pascal Mamassian, Peter Neri (ENS) - Vision
- Jean-Baptiste Masson (Institut Pasteur) - Decision and bayesian computation
- Eric Meyer (ENS) - Programmed genome rearrangements in ciliates
- Thierry Mora, Simona Cocco, Rémi Monasson, and Aleksandra Walczak (ENS) - Statistical physics and inference for biology
- Hélène Morlon (ENS) - Modeling biodiversity
- Srdjan Ostojic (ENS) - Network dynamics and computation
- Valérie Pichon (ESPCI) - Analytical sciences, bioanalytics and miniaturization
- Olivier Rivoire (Collège de France) - Statistical biology
- Yannick Rondelez (ESPCI) - Gulliver lab
- Nathalie Rouach (Collège de France) - Neuroglial interactions in cerebral physiopathology
- Pierre Sens (Institut Curie) - Physical approaches to biological issues
- Cécile Sykes and Julie Plastino (ENS) - Active cell matter
- Patrick Tabeling (ESPCI) - Microfluidics, MEMS, & Nanostructures
- Mickaël Tanter (ESPCI) - Physics for medicine
- Christophe Thomas (Chimie ParisTech) - Organometallic chemistry and polymerization catalysis
- Hervé Turlier (Collège de France) - Multiscale Physics of Morphogenesis
- Laurent Venance (Collège de France) - Dynamic and Pathophysiology of Neuronal Networks
- Virginie Vidal (Chimie ParisTech) - Catalysis, biomolecule synthesis and sustainable development
- Joelle Vinh (ESPCI) - Mass spectometry and proteomics
- Thomas Walter (Institut Curie) - Statistical machine learning and modelling of biological systems
- Thomas Walter, Jean-Philippe Vert (Mines ParisTech) - Center for computational biology
- Christophe Zimmer (Institut Pasteur) - Imaging and modeling