Institut Curie

Découvrez les équipes de l'Institut Curie faisant partie de PSL-Qlife.
Institut Curie

Génétique et Biologie du Développement UMR3215/U934


Nuclear dynamics UMR3664


Cancer and genome: Bioinformatics, Biostatics and Epidemiology U900


Cancer, heterogeneity, instability and plasticity U830


Immunity and cancer U932


Cell biology and cancer UMR144


Physico-chimie curie lab UMR168


Biological Chemistry of Membranes and Therapeutic Targeting UMR3666/U1143


Genotoxic Stress and Cancer UMR3348


Normal and Pathological Signaling: From Embryo to Innovative Cancer Therapies UMR3347/U1021


Dynamics of Genetic Information UMR3244