Découvrez les équipes de l'Ecole nationale supérieure (ENS) faisant partie de PSL-Qlife.
Laboratory of Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, UMR960
- Sophie Denève - Normative approaches to neural circuits and behavior
- Boris Gutkin, Alex Cayco Gajic - Mathematics of neural circuits
- Etienne Koechlin - Executive functions
- Srdjan Ostojic - Network dynamics and computations
- Stefano Palminteri - Human reinforcement learning
- Valentin Wyart - Inference and desition making
Laboratory of perceptive systems, UMR8248
- Yves Boubenec, Alain de Cheveigné, Christian Lorenzi, Daniel Pressnitzer, Sihab Shamma, Léo Varnet - Audition
- Claudia Lunghi, Pascal Mamassian, Peter Neri - Vision
Institute of Biology of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (IBENS), UMR8197/U1024
- Boris Barbour - Neuronal algorithms
- David Bensimon and Vincent Croquette - From single molecule biophysics to single cell physiology
- Laurent Bourdieu - Cortical dynamics and coding mechanisms
- Chris Bowler - Plant and algal genomics
- Jean-François Brunet - Development and evolution of neural circuits
- Cécile Charrier - Development and plasticity of synapses
- Vincent Colot - Genome dynamics and epigenetic variation
- Stéphane Dieudonné - Inhibitory Transmission
- Marie-Anne Félix - Evolution of Caenorhabditis
- Régis Ferrière and Silvia De Monte - Eco-Evolutionary Mathematics
- Sonia Garel - Brain Development and Plasticity
- Auguste Genovesio - Computational Bioimaging and Bioinformatics
- David Holcman - Group of data modeling, computational neurobiology and predictive medicine
- Olivier Hyrien - Eukaryotic chromosome replication
- Alice Lebreton - Bacterial infection and RNA destiny
- Hervé Le Hir - Expression of eukaryotic messenger RNAs
- Clément Léna and Daniela Popa - Neurophysiology of brain circuits
- Eric Meyer - Programmed genome rearrangements in ciliates
- Xavier Morin - Cell division and neurogenesis
- Hélène Morlon - Modeling biodiversity
- Lionel Navarro - Small RNA-directed control of the host immune response and its targeting by bacterial effectors
- Pierre Paoletti - Glutamate receptors and excitatory synapses
- Hugues Roest Crollius - Genome organization and dynamics
- Iris Salecker - Visual circuit assembly
- Nathalie Spassky and A. Meunier - Cilia biology and neurogenesis
- Terence Strick - Molecular motors and machines
- German Sumbre - Neural circuit dynamics & behaviour
- Henrique Teotonio - Experimental evolutionary genetics
- Denis Thieffry - Computational systems biology
- Antoine Triller - Cellular biology of the synapse
Physics department of ENS (LPENS), UMR8023
- Jean-François Allemand, David Bensimon, Vincent Croquette and Nicolas Desprat - Multiscale physics of living systems
- Christine Gourier and Frédéric Pincet - Molecular membrane mechanisms
- Vincent Hakim, Rava Azeredo da Silveira, Martine Benamar, Francis Corson, Lionel Foret, Jean-Pierre Nadal (ENS) - Theoretical neuroscience and biophysics
- Thierry Mora, Simona Cocco, Rémi Monasson, and Aleksandra Walczak - Statistical physics and inference for biology
- Abdou Rachid Thiam - Microfluidics, emuslion and biology
- Cécile Sykes and Julie Plastino - Active cell matter
Kastler Brossel Laboratory, UMR8552
- Sylvain Gigan - Complex media optics
Laboratory of Biomolecules, UMR7203
- Daniel Abergel - Structure and dynamics of biomolecules
- Arnaud Gautier, Fabienne Burlina - Biomolecules: analysis, molecular and cellular interaction
- Laurence Grimaud, Nicolas Delsuc, Clotilde Policar - Peptides, glycoconjugates and metals in biology
Selective Activation Process by Uni-Electronic or Radiative Energy Transfer (P.A.S.T.E.U.R), UMR8640
- Damien Baigl - Nanobioscience and microsystems
- Ludovic Jullien, Zoher Gueroui - Physical and biological chemistry of living matter
- Damien Laage - Theoretical chemistry