Connexion cellulaire
Découvrez les équipes travaillant, au moins partiellement, autour de la thématique de la communication cellulaire.
- Jean-Luc Aider and Mauricio Hoyos (ESPCI) - Self-organization and structuration of cells aggregates in acoustic levitation
- Samuel Alizon (Collège de France) - Ecology & evolution of health
- Jean-François Allemand, David Bensimon, Vincent Croquette and Nicolas Desprat (ENS) - Multiscale physics of living systems
- Sebastian Amigorena (Institut Curie) - Antigenic presentation in dendritic cells
- Nadine Andrieu (Institut Curie) - Genetic epidemiology of cancer
- Alexandre Baffet (Institut Curie) - Cell Biology of Mammalian Neurogenesis
- Boris Barbour (ENS) - Neuronal algorithms
- Allison Bardin (Institut Curie) - Stem cells and tissue homeostasis
- Emmanuel Barillot (Institut Curie) - Bioinformatics and Biology of Cancer Systems
- Yohanns Bellaïche (Institut Curie) - Polarity, division and morphogenesis
- Philippe Benaroch (Institut Curie) - Myeloid cells and immunity
- Karim Benchenane (ESPCI) - Memory, oscillations and state of vigilance
- Serge Birman (ESPCI) - Gene circuits rhythms and neuropathologies
- Valérie Biou (IBPC) - Hedgehog Pathway
- Ulrich Bockelmann (ESPCI) - Nanobiophysical laboratory
- Laurent Bourdieu (ENS) - Cortical dynamics and coding mechanisms
- Isabelle Brunet (Collège de France) - Molecular Control of Neuro-Vascular Development
- Thibaut Brunet (Institut Pasteur) - Evolutionary cell biology and evolution of morphogenesis
- Fabienne Burlina (ENS) - Biomolecules: analysis, molecular and cellular interaction
- Laurent Catoire (IBPC) - Study of signal transduction by GPCRs
- Cécile Charrier (ENS) - Development and plasticity of synapses
- Eric Clément and Anke Lindner (ESPCI) - Bacterial motility and microbiota/host interactions
- Michel Cloitre (ESPCI) - Soft matter and chemistry
- Martine Cohen-Salmon (Collège de France) - Physiology and physiopathology of the gliovascular unit
- Olivier Dauchot (ESPCI) - Collective effects and soft matter
- Philippe Delepelaire, Nathalie Dautin (IBPC) - Iron transport in Haemophilus
- Sophie Denève (ENS) - Neural inference
- Stéphanie Descroix (Institut Curie) - Macromolecules and microsystems in biology and medicine
- David Di Gregorio (Institut Pasteur) - Synapes and circuits dynamics
- Ariel Di Nardo and Alain Prochiantz (Collège de France) - Development and Neuropharmacology
- Nathalie Dostatni (Institut Curie) - Epigenetic plasticity and polarity of the embryo
- Guillaume Duménil (Institut Pasteur) - Pathogenesis of vascular infections
- Olivia du Roure, Julien Heuvingh, Martin Lenz and Philippe Marcq (ESPCI) - Cell mechanics and migration
- Sandrine Etienne-Manneville (Institut Pasteur) - Cell polarity, migration and cancer
- Philippe Faure and Alexandre Mourot (ESPCI) - Neurophysiology and Behavior
- Emmanuel Farge (Institut Curie) - Mechanics and genetics of embryonic and tumor development
- Marie-Anne Félix (ENS) - Evolution of Caenorhabditis
- Régis Ferrière (ENS) - Eco-Evolutionary Mathematics
- Silvia Fre (Institut Curie) - Notch signaling pathway in stem cells and tumors
- Sonia Garel (ENS) - Brain Development and Plasticity
- Auguste Genovesio (ENS) - Computational Bioimaging and Bioinformatics
- Thomas Gregor (Institut Pasteur) - Physics of biological functions
- Andrew Griffiths (ESPCI) - Laboratory of biochemistry
- Boris Gutkin (ENS) - Mathematics of neural circuits
- Vincent Hakim, Rava Azeredo da Silveira, Martine Benamar, Francis Corson, Lionel Foret, Jean-Pierre Nadal (ENS) - Theoretical neuroscience and biophysics
- Pedro Hernandez (Institut Curie) - Development and homeostasis of mucosal tissues
- Claire Hivroz (Institut Curie) - Dialogue between T cells and dendritic cells
- David Holcman (ENS) - Group of data modeling, computational neurobiology and predictive medicine
- Jean-Jacques Hublin - Paleoanthropology
- Jean-René Huynh (Collège de France) - Evolution and Development of Germ Cells
- Hervé Isambert (Institut Curie) - Evolution of biomolecular networks, RNA Dynamics
- Carsten Janke (Institut Curie) - Regulation of microtubule dynamics and their functions
- Wolfgang Keil (Institut Curie) - Quantitative developmental biology
- Etienne Koechlin (ENS) - Frontal lobe functions
- Olivier Lantz (Institut Curie) - Innate like CD4+ T cells in cancer
- Amaury Lambert (Collège de France) - SMILE: Stochastic Models for the Inference of Life Evolution
- Lionel Larue (Institut Curie) - Normal and pathological development of melanocytes
- Alice Lebreton (ENS) - Bacterial infection and RNA destiny
- Stéphane Lemaire (IBPC) - Systems and synthetic biology of microalgae
- Clément Léna and Daniela Popa (ENS) - Neurophysiology of brain circuits
- Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil (Institut Curie) - Spatio-temporal regulation of antigen presentation and cell migration
- Pierre Leopold (Institut Curie) - Genetics and physiology of growth
- Anthony Maggs (ESPCI) - Theoretical physico-chemistry
- Jean-Léon Maître (Institut Curie) - Mechanics of mammalian development
- Nicolas Manel (Institut Curie) - Innate immunity
- Marie Manceau (Collège de France) - Formation and Evolution of Color Patterns
- Thierry Mora, Simona Cocco, Rémi Monasson, and Aleksandra Walczak (ENS) - Statistical physics and inference for biology
- Xavier Morin (ENS) - Cell division and neurogenesis
- Hélène Morlon (ENS) - Modeling biodiversity
- Lionel Navarro (ENS) - Small RNA-directed control of the host immune response and its targeting by bacterial effectors
- Srdjan Ostojic (ENS) - Network dynamics and computation
- Stefano Palminteri (ENS) - Human reinforcement learning
- Pierre Paoletti (ENS) - Glutamate receptors and excitatory synapses
- Leïla Perié (Institut Curie) - Quantitative approaches in immuno-hematology
- Eliane Piaggio (Institut Curie) - Translational immunity
- Thomas Préat and Pierre-Yves Plaçais (ESPCI) - Genes and dynamics of memory systems
- David Quéré - Interfaces and biomimétism
- François Radvanyi (Institut Curie) - Molecular Oncology
- Paul Rainey (ESPCI) - Genetics of evolution laboratory
- Fabien Reyal (Institut Curie) - Residual tumor and response to treatment
- Olivier Rivoire (Collège de France) - Statistical biology
- Raphaël Rodriguez (Institut Curie) - Chemistry and cancer biology
- Yannick Rondelez (ESPCI) - Molecular systems and programs
- Nathalie Rouach (Collège de France) - Neuroglial interactions in cerebral physiopathology
- Pierre Sens (Institut Curie) - Physical approaches to biological issues
- Iris Salecker (ENS) - Visual circuit assembly
- Hélène Salmon (Institut Curie) - Stroma and immunity
- Fekrije Selimi (Collège de France) - Molecular Identity and DIversity of SYNapses in the brain
- Alena Shkumatava (Institut Curie) - LincRNAs in vertebrate development
- Pascal Silberzan and Axel Buguin (Institut Curie) - Biology-inspired physics at mesoscales
- Nathalie Spassky (ENS) - Cilia biology and neurogenesis
- German Sumbre (ENS) - Neural circuit dynamics & behaviour
- Henrique Teotonio (ENS) - Experimental evolutionary genetics
- Clotilde Théry (Institut Curie) - Extracellular vesicles, immune responses and cancer
- Benjamin Thiria, José Bico, Laurent Duchemin, Ramiro Godoy-Diana and Evelyne Kolb (ESPCI) - Fluid/structure interaction in biology
- Lev Truskinovsky (ESPCI) - Multiscale methods in biomechanics: from cells to tissues
- Hervé Turlier (Collège de France) - Multiscale Physics of Morphogenesis
- Olivier Vallon (IBPC) - Genetics and genomics of microalgae
- Laurent Venance (Collège de France) - Dynamic and Pathophysiology of Neuronal Networks
- Marie-Hélène Verlhac and Marie-Emilie Terret (Collège de France) - Oocyte Mechanics and Morphogenesis
- François Vialatte (ESPCI) - Brain-machine interfaces
- Danijela Vignjevic (Institut Curie) - Migration and cellular invasion
- Josh Waterfall (Institut Curie) - Integrative functional genomics of cancer
- Valentin Wyart (ENS) - Interface and decision-making
- Mickael Zugaro (Collège de France) - Brain Rhythms and Neural Coding of Memory