Collège de France
Découvrez les équipes du Collège de France faisant partie de PSL-Qlife.
Interdisciplinary Center for Research in Biology UMR7241/U1050
- Samuel Alizon - Ecology & evolution of health
- François Blanquart - Evolutionary epidemiology of infectious diseases
- Isabelle Brunet - Molecular Control of Neuro-Vascular Development
- Martine Cohen-Salmon - Physiology and physiopathology of the gliovascular unit
- Hugues de Thé - Nuclear Organization and post-translational control in physio-pathology
- Ariel Di Nardo and Alain Prochiantz - Development and Neuropharmacology
- Olivier Espeli - Chromosome dynamics
- Julia Fuchs - Pathophysiology of transposable elements in the brain
- Jean-Jacques Hublin - Paleoanthropology
- Jean-René Huynh - Evolution and Development of Germ Cells
- Amaury Lambert - SMILE: Stochastic Models for the Inference of Life Evolution
- Marie Manceau - Formation and Evolution of Color Patterns
- Nathalie Rouach - Neuroglial interactions in cerebral physiopathology
- Fekrije Selimi - Molecular Identity and DIversity of SYNapses in the brain
- Hervé Turlier - Multiscale Physics of Morphogenesis
- Laurent Venance - Dynamic and Pathophysiology of Neuronal Networks
- Marie-Hélène Verlhac and Marie-Emilie Terret - Oocyte Mechanics and Morphogenesis
- Mickael Zugaro - Brain Rhythms and Neural Coding of Memory