Actualité - Meeting

Second meeting annuel PSL-Qlife

The second annual meeting of PSL-Qlife took place on March 5th 2021 via Teams!
2nd annual meeting PSL-Qlife

The PSL-Qlife annual meeting aims at gathering Qlife members to learn more about our activities, funding opportunities and research projects previously funded by Qlife.


During this one-day meeting, speakers will include researchers, post-docs and PhD students who received either prematuration grants, interdisciplinary grants and PhD grants. We will also have the opportunity to listen to Steven Quake, SAB member (Stanford University).


This year, the meeting will take place online via Teams. Here is the link for the meeting.



Steve Quake, SAB member - Stanford University

João Antonio, Team Gasser - Chimie ParisTech (Interdisciplinary 2019)

Florent Charton, Team Bowler - ENS (PhD Fellowship 2019)

Zoher Gueroui - ENS (Prematuration 2019)

Julien Heuvingh - ESPCI (Interdisciplinary 2019)

Claire Lansonneur, Team Thieffry - ENS (master fellowship 2019)

Tristan Lazard, Team Walter - Mines ParisTech/Institut Curie (PhD Fellowship 2019)

Sébastien Lemaire, Team Colot - ENS (Interdisciplinary 2018)

Lorette Noiret, Team Bellaïche - Institut Curie (Interdisciplinary 2018)

Jacques Serizay, Team Spassky - ENS (Interdisciplinary 2019)

Roshan-Kumar Vijendravarma, Team Leopold - Institut Curie (Interdisciplinary 2019)

Li Wang, Team Piel - Institut Curie (Prematuration 2019)

Sébastien Wolf, Team Bourdieu - ENS (Interdisciplinary 2019)

Lou Zonca, Team Holcman - ENS (Prematuration 2019)