Actualité - Meeting

PSL-Qlife annual meeting 2022

The annual meeting of PSL-Qlife took place on July 1st 2022 at Institut Curie!
Image_Poster Qlife annual meeting - Selimi

The PSL-Qlife annual meeting aims at gathering the Qlife community and presenting its activities and ongoing research projects.


Speakers included researchers, post-docs and PhD students who received either pre-maturation grants, interdisciplinary grants and PhD grants and keynote speakers.


Elaine Del Nery - Institut Curie
Stéphane Dieudonné - ENS
Mathieu Forget - ENS
Ismail Hajji - Institut Curie
Joseph Josephides - Institut Curie
Livia Lacerda - Institut Curie
Antonin Morillon - Institut Curie
Clotilde Policar - ENS
Fekrije Selimi - Collège de France
Jonathan Ulmer - Institut Curie
Joëlle Vinh - ESPCI
Marcel Joseph Yared - IBPC



Sigolène Meilhac - INCEPTION
Annie Viallat - CenTuri