Actualité - Meeting

COURSE - Polygenic Adaptation From Quantitative Genetics To Population Genomics

March 10th - 14th, 2025 - PARIS, École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, France
Application deadline: January 8th, 2025

Scientific committee chair: Christian SCHLÖTTERER, Henrique TEOTÓNIO.
WS25 polygenic adaptation

This one week workshop is part of a series of winter schools organized by PSL and its Qlife program in quantitative biology and taught at the Ecole normale supérieure.



Adaptation to novel environments depends on many alleles with small, hence largely undetectable,  tness e ects. With the advance of DNA sequencing technologies, the combination of genome-wide association analyses with genomic prediction methods has become the state-of-the-art approach to link adaptive trait responses to genetic changes at the molecular level. The workshop will introduce students to evolutionary theory and the tools employed to test alternative models of polygenic adaptation.

Current advances in detecting polygenic adaptation in experimental and natural population will be discussed. The course will introduce the participants to the analysis of phenomic and genomic data covering the latest software.

The course will include introductory lectures in the mornings, followed by digital practicals in the afternoons. The evenings will include keynote speaker seminars and poster presentations by the students. Common lunches and dinners with the speakers and instructors will foster informal discussions.



Application (deadline January 8th, 2025)

The winter school is limited to 25 participants. It is open to Master 2 and PhD students, as well as postdocs, engineers and junior scientists with backgrounds in life science, chemistry, physics, computer science or mathematics.

Registration fees: 150 € for academic participants. Fees cover lunches from Monday to Friday and some dinners 

Experience in file manipulation under Unix/Linux and Python or R programming is required.

1) Register through the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/1VySeNcY0Y 
2) and provide a CV, a motivation letter and a supporting letter from a supervisor as a simple pdf file with “Qlife Polygenic Adaptation Winter School2025_LASTNAME” as subject header to Aida.Fakhr@curie.fr 

Additional information is available on: https://www.edu.bio.ens.psl.eu/spip.php?article287

List of lecturers & Speakers 

Neda BARGHI, Vienna

Nicholas BARTON, Vienna

Timothée FLUTRE, Paris

Frédéric GUILLAUME, Helsinki

Susan JOHNSTON, Edinburgh

François MALLARD, Paris

Katrina McGUIGAN, Brisbane

Luisa PALLARES, Tübingen

Patrick PHILLIPS, Eugene

Christian SCHLÖTTERER, Vienna

Bertrand SERVIN, Toulouse


Jacqueline SZTEPANACZ, Toronto

Henrique TEOTÓNIO, Paris

Céline TEPLITSKY, Montpellier

Pierre de VILLEMEREUIL, Paris

Ben WÖLFL, Vienna

Course - Polygenic Adaptation